16, Ulitsa Soyuza Pechatnikov
St. Petersburg, Russia, 190121
Interesting facts about Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
- Saint-Petersburg had 3 different names in its history. Originally the city was named after St Peter, the patron of the city, and this name was used for 211 years, until August of 1914 when the First World war began. Then the city got а Russian name, Petrograd ( the city of Peter). After the death of Lenin in January 1924 the city was named Leningrad, and finally in 1991 the original name, Saint-Petersburg, was restored. It’s interesting that those who were born in soviet times still have Leningrad as the place of birth in their modern passports.
- Saint-Petersburg was the capital of Russia from 1712 to 1918.
- Saint-Petersburg has one of the deepest metros in the world – on average, the stations are situated 60-70 meters beneath the ground. For example, Proletarskaya metro station is 84 meters deep! And some escalators are more than 150 metres long!
- The main river of the city is the Neva. On the whole, there are about 93 rivers and canals in modern Petersburg, their total length is 300 km. It’ s not surprising that the city is often called the Nothern Venice. What is more, there used to be 101 islands in the delta of riverNeva, but now this number decreased to 42.
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